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Personal and financial empowerment on every level.

Coaching and networking within an intimate community. 


WOW is opening our Mastermind!

Join WOW's Mastermind to grow your Abundance IQ, connect with other well-positioned women to expand your network, and become the master of your finances.  

"Your network is your net worth and you're going to exponentially multiply both!"

Why we exist.

Women are statistically better with money than men. Yet women believe in themselves less than men and don’t access investments as often as men. Combined with the gender pay gap, women are behind men when it comes to building their wealth. Why the discrepancy? 

Reason #1: Women have been historically disenfranchised from money
Reason #2: Women don’t have anyone to talk with about wealth

Womxn of Wealth powerfully changes this narrative.

Our mission is to support women ~ here and now ~ in asserting their financial prowess and multiplying their wealth confidently, joyfully, and sustainably. We foster an environment in which women can safely learn about and better understand financial concepts and access strategic investment opportunities.

It's time to stop working for your money 

and put your money to work for you.

wealth mastery, wealth for women, womxn of wealth, financial empowerment, financial education, financial tools, financial freedom

What is WOW?

  • We are a highly curated community of financially empowered womxn taking wealth creation firmly into our own hands.
  • We embrace the energetic nature of abundance and embody both a feminine and masculine approach to prosperous money management.
  • We are an aggregated, intimate community focused on sharing ways to maximize value in our individual investments so that we build wealth easily, sustainably and thoughtfully.

A community of like-minded women.

If you've heard the phrase "Your network is your net worth," then you can expect to exponentially multiply both. In our community, we show up in our full worth and enhance that of our WOW circle of sisters. We are a dynamic, impactful, inclusive group dedicated to empowering all women through grassroots access to brass-tacks financial advice, mentorship, connectivity, and practical guidance on creating personal abundance at every level. We hold each other accountable to the financial independence, power, and impact we are here to make in this World. We leave nothing on the table. We expect more, demand more, and go out to create it. 

wealth mastery, wealth for women, womxn of wealth, financial empowerment, financial education, financial tools, financial freedom

 Being a part of the Womxn Of Wealth Mastermind gives you exclusive benefits.

Wealth Roadmap

With the WOW 360 Financial Review©, you immediately take stock of where you are so that you can develop and implement a strategy that supports your financial empowerment journey.

This assessment gives every member a snapshot of their financial situation, to contemplate and reflect on their goals, and anchor a commitment to achieving them. This powerful tool forms the basis from which to strategize and grow.

This assessment gives every member a snapshot of their financial situation, to contemplate and reflect on their goals, and anchor a commitment to achieving them. This powerful tool forms the basis from which to strategize and grow.

Energetic Support

We take a unique, inside-out approach to wealth creation, anchoring our journey together through the energetic reality that underpins our lives. The collective resonance that we create together begins with the commitment to our own Inner Authority.

We believe in creating our own reality by doing our inner work and allowing the outside world to reflect back, and bring to us, what we desire.

We start every week with a powerful commitment to ourselves through a guided meditation and intention setting. The power of doing this as a group amplifies commitment and produces tangible results.


Our group is curated to create synergy among members, so that each of our areas of expertise and talent complements the other. WOW members literally and figuratively enrich one another’s lives.

We create many opportunities to share our financial journeys in a safe and confidential manner including a monthly group call, rotating accountability groups, and in-person events.

Our inherent confidence and capability comes alive as we engage in meaningful conversations, and eradicate any doubts about our ability to gain the inner and outer riches we dream of, and deserve.

Exclusive Content

WOW is not another money curriculum. WOW provides exclusive access to people, content, and cutting-edge information and opportunities you won't find elsewhere.

Action is the secret ingredient to success, and we ensure that you have many means to put brass-tacks financial empowerment into motion. We source thought leaders and vetted experts from our community and private networks that help you get results without giving up your agency.

Armed with information, opportunities, our collective wisdom and an action plan, we are better stewards of our wealth - for ourselves, our families, and our world.

Apply for the Mastermind Membership

The Details

Monday Morning Attunement

We meet weekly to start our weeks off right. Join us for group meditation and intention setting.

Connection Meetings

Monthly meetings for you to connect with other members, as questions and collaborate.

Networking Meetings

Monthly break-out connection meetings help you meet and connect with other Mastermind Members.

Wealth Mastery Recordings

You won't miss a thing since you'll have access to all the Wealth Mastery live session recordings.

Exclusive Presentations

Each month, members and industry experts are invited to give exclusive presentations.

Community Access via Slack

Our community is run in Slack. You'll have access to our Slack Channels for constant connection on all devices.

WOW 360 Financial Review ©

You'll meet 1-on-1 with a co-founder to go over your current personal financial situation so you can set goals for financial growth.

Events & Annual Retreats

An invitation to all WOW events and retreats. Plus early-bird access to ensure your entry before we open ticket sales.

Connection, community & empowerment
at every turn. 

WOW is offering a 10% discount through the Passive Real Estate Summit

$3600/year $3240/year

or $360/month  $324/ month (12 months) 


Apply for the Mastermind Membership

Learn More

An intimate, diverse group of women who are elevating their wealth and worth together


Meet the WOW Team

What Our Mastermind Members Say

"Since being a member, I've invested in Ibonds and the Bitcoin mining fund, changed my stock strategies, got a new tax person, initiated and got approved for for my first mortgage, and also made a decision to leave a new job for one that pays me more!"

"I really appreciate your giving of time, attention, and expertise for me to be able to discuss my financial goals, plan, and challenges."

"When used with integrity, money can absolutely

cultivate a happier, healthier sense of self

- and it allows us to make a positive impact on the world."

- Jennifer Burnham-Grubbs
Co-founder, Womxn of Wealth


Apply for the Mastermind Membership

Frequently Asked Questions

WOW is a small and mighty team.

Due to the volume of emails we receive, we are unable to respond to each message directly.
We've created a FAQ guide below to help you. Please review the list and if you do not find your answer,
please feel free to contact us.

Thank you!

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